"Marys' Creek" Along the "Bird Trails of Cooloola"
About “Marys' Creek” “The Mary’s Creek area consists of flat to undulating hills in Forest Country in the lower country, into very hilly mountainous Scrub Country, then into State Forestry Pine Plantations. There is still virgin scrub on these properties. This makes the area a haven for birdlife.”
“In the early years the lower country was all Dairy Properties, the higher scrub country was selectively cleared for timber and Bananas.”
* “Mary’s Creek Road at one time boasted three mills – Harold Kidd’s at the junction with Pie Creek Road, and a few miles further on, the general mill of Oscar Bonney and J. Burns, and then Pratt’s case mill.”
* (Ref. “Winds of Change” by Ian Pedley Pg 258)
“Citrus Orchards, Tree crops, Pawpaws, potatoes, pumpkins, beans, tomatoes and cucumbers, were some vegetables grown for the local and Interstate Markets.”
“Beans are the main small crops grown at the present time on these properties. With the decline in dairying, farmers converted to Beef cattle, and some farmers in the district are growing tree crops.”
(Except where otherwise indicated, above text supplied by Lawrie & Anne Long)
For '"A History of "Mary's Creek"" (Click Here) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
As “Mary’s Creek” is situated in a managed State Forest, please abide by any restrictions to your activities as may be displayed in signage. Enjoy your stay! While driving though, keep to the speed limits specified. Watch for Cattle, Deer, and possible logging vehicles! Please Note – Before visiting “Mary’s Creek” & other State Forest areas, for information relating to recreational activities please visit https://www.hqplantations.com.au/community-and-recreation,as weather conditions & other factors may limit access to facilities & entrance of these, or click on https://parks.des.qld.gov.au/parks/imbil/ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(For Origin of Place Name “Mary’s Creek” & others, Click on Highlighted Text) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Your Birding Experience –
“Birding” “Mary’s Creek” at any season will be a rewarding experience for visiting “Birders”.
This Site extends from the Mary’s Creek turn-off from Eel Creek Road to the Designated Parking Area.
Habitats range from Farmland, Grasslands, Dams, to Riparian, Rainforest & Open Forest.
Watch for Richard’s Pipit, Double-barred Finch, Chestnut-breasted Mannikin, Tawny Grassbird & Golden-headed Cisticola in the Grasslands.
Watch for Azure Kingfisher, White-faced Heron, White-necked Heron, and Comb-crested Jacana at the Creek Crossings and Dams.
Riparian and Rainforest Habitats should provide you with Wompoo Fruit-Dove, Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove, Topknot Pigeon, Green Catbird, Paradise Riflebird and Russet-tailed Thrush.
To Print Out the Brochure “Birds of Mary’s Creek” – Click here
(All species listed recorded from Mary’s Creek Road turnoff to the Designated Parking Area and its’ Surrounds
Please follow “Birdwatching Ethics” as you enjoy your stay!
Road Conditions – Access to Mary’s Creek is via the well sealed Eel Creek Road to –
Exit Right into Mary’s Creek Road – Mary’s Creek Road is Sealed, (Narrow Bitumen), for 4km. (Take care, steep climbs & descents, crests, narrow bridges, culverts & blind corners)
After 4km – Road is unsealed, becoming narrower with Culverts over Creek Crossings. (Designated Parking Area is 6.7km from here)
Note Cattle Yards on Right – After the next Creek Crossing, Road bends sharply to the Right, becoming Steep & Narrow, with Loose Gravel.
Turn Left at Start of Pines – (Noting Rock Piles at Creek Crossing).
Turn Left
Then Sharp Left
You have Arrived at your Designated Parking Area, 6.7km from End of Bitumen. (Click here to Refer Map in "Take the Bird Trails of Cooloola!") Please drive according to conditions on all “Bird Trails of Cooloola”, as width of carriageways & vision while driving do vary.
Habitat Type (As per Regional Ecosystem (RE) Data) –
RE 12.11.3 – Eucalyptus siderophloia, E. propinqua +/- E. microcorys, Lophostemon confertus, Corymbia intermedia, E. acmenoides open forest on metamorphics +/- interbedded volcanics
RE 12.11.11 – Araucarian microphyll vine forest on metamorphics +/- interbedded volcanics; usually southern half of bioregion
RE 12.11.10 - Notophyll vine forest +/- Araucaria cunninghamii on metamorphics +/- interbedded volcanics ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Walking Excursion (1 - “Birding” from the Fifth Crossing after the end of the Bitumen to the Last House on the Left & Cattle Yards on the Right –
Ease of Difficulty – Easy to Moderate
Walking Conditions – Narrow, unsealed road. Expect some loose gravel, & uneven ground. Take care at Creek Crossings, as these could be slippery with loose rocks.
Points to Note for your Safety – Take care with loose gravel, uneven ground, & again loose rocks & slippery conditions at Creek Crossings.
Expect occasional vehicular traffic & Livestock that may be using the Road as well.
What to expect of your 1st “Mary’s Creek” Excursion – Riparian Habitats, open Grasslands, Picturesque Creek Crossings & Spectacular Rock Formations along with Magnificent Scenery! Note that the Vegetation on the higher slopes & crests is Pristine!
Note too the Cattle Yards & Building on your right that mark the end of “Walking Excursion 1”. This last was constructed as quarters for Italian Prisoners of War acquired to work as Farm Labourers during World War 2.
Walking Excursion 2 – “Birding” from Bridge at Parking Site to Palm Grove –
Ease of Difficulty – Easy to Moderate
Walking Conditions – Narrow, unsealed road. Expect some loose gravel with occasional vehicular traffic, (Trail Bikes, 4wd’s). Creek Crossings may be slippery.
Walking Conditions steepen slightly to Pine Forest.
Points to Note for your Safety – Take care with loose gravel, uneven ground, along with loose rocks & slippery conditions at Creek Crossings. Expect occasional vehicular traffic, (Trail Bikes, 4wd’s).
What to expect of your 2nd “Mary’s Creek” Excursion – Riparian Habitats, beautiful, crystal clear waters of Mary’s Creek! Note on your left before the Palm Grove, an old, (disused now), barbecue site. In earlier years, this was a Forestry Beauty Spot; (no wonder!).
Walking Excursion 3 – “Birding” from Parking Site to “Stancombe Bridge” & “Sam Smith Bridge” –
Note that before “Sam Smith Bridge”, the 2nd turn-off to the right may be taken to Open Forest country.
Ease of Difficulty of Walking Excursion 3 – Easy to Moderate
Walking Conditions – Unsealed road, slightly steep in places with some uneven ground.
Points to Note for your Safety – Unsealed road. Expect some loose gravel, and as before, watch for Trail Bikes & 4wd’s, and wandering Livestock.
What to expect of your 3rd “Mary’s Creek” Excursion – Riparian Habitats, Open Forest, Open Grassland.
Note that during Excursion 3 there are a variety of Tracks that may be chosen in addition to those outlined above. Kilometers walked here are Optional!
(Again for your safety, please take note of tracks you may take.)
Among the variety of Bird Species you may encounter while at “Mary’s Creek” are –
Grey Goshawk, Brown Falcon, Comb-crested Jacana, Black-fronted Dotterel, Emerald Dove, Wonga Pigeon, Little Lorikeet, Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo, Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, Little Bronze-Cuckoo, Noisy Pitta, White-throated Treecreeper, Brown Treecreeper, Variegated Fairy-wren, Red-backed Fairy-wren, Eastern Spinebill, Dusky Honeyeater, Scarlet Robin, Rose Robin, Pale-yellow Robin.
(Note – Surveying conditions and Bird Species as described are accurate at time of compilation; these may vary over time with the influence of climate and other factors)
Appropriate footwear, clothing, Sunscreen & Insect Repellent are recommended for all “Bird Trail” excursions, as are the further necessities & precautionary measures outlined in “Your Health & Safety while Birdwatching”, linked below.
To view a Video from “Marys' Creek” Click here (Note – This Link is Being Established) For a Digital Map to "Marys' Creek" - Click here ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
To visit "Birds Queensland" Click on the "Sunbird"