Birding Cooloola Mountains To Shore
Welcome to Cooloola
Contact Us
Shorebirds of Cooloola
"Bird Trails of Cooloola - A Listing of Sites"
"Along the Bird Trails" with COOLOOLA NATURE
Welcome to Bird Trails of Cooloola!
We wish to introduce you to the diversity of Habitat and Avian Fauna that Cooloola has to offer
“Ruth”, our cute little female Rufous Whistler, will be your Guide
Over time, “Ruth” will lead you through Heathlands of the Cooloola Coast, Wetlands both natural & man-made,
Rainforests of the beautiful Mary Valley, & drier forests of the Glastonbury region
(For Origin of
Cooloola Coast
Place Name & others, Click on Highlighted Text)
(For Origin of
Mary Valley
Place Name & others, Click on Highlighted Text)
(To View
"A History of the Mary River Catchment"
Click on Highlighted Text)
(To View
"Some Bushbirds of Cooloola"
Click on Highlighted Text)
(To View
"Some More Bushbirds of Cooloola"
Click on Highlighted Text)
To View more Images of Bush Birds, (& Shorebirds), of Cooloola, Click on the following Links
"Out & About in Cooloola"
"Sandy Straits & Beyond"
Bird Trails of Cooloola!
“Ruth” will provide for you a variety of Accommodation types
As much as possible, an outline of Road Conditions and Directions to Sites
A description of Habitat and Origin of Place Names
Check Lists of Birds recorded at each Site that you may print out
Links to Sites where you may find more information on Cooloola’s amazing and diverse Bird population
We are looking forward to our Journey with you!
Click on Ruth to "Fly" you to "Cooloola Shire - A Golden Past"
(Courtesy of Gympie Regional Council)
Click on Ruth to "Fly" you to "A Map of Cooloola"
(Courtesy of Gympie Regional Council)
Click on Ruth to view "The Ethics of Bird Watching", "Your Health & Safety while Birdwatching",
& "Birdwatching - Some General Information"
Wish to "Take the Bird Trails of Cooloola!" ?
Click on Ruth for Maps!
(Maps to New Sites will be added as these are Established)
For "Bird Trails of Cooloola - A Listing of Sites"
& Links to Site Descriptions
Click on Ruth!
More Information? Want to Join us?
Click on Ruth to “Fly” you to -
Birds Queensland
Birdlife Australia
Noosa Parks Bird Observers
Gympie & District Field Naturalists
Wish to join others who Care for our Environment?
Click on Ruth to “Fly” you to -
Gympie Landcare
Cooloola Coastcare